Other Links...
your browser at Joe's Garage. This official page by the
Zappa family is really nice (with pointers to most of the
For those of you unfamiliar wit' the nakkin', 'DIS be the
nakkin' |
- Brainstorm -
The Official Brainstorm Web Site

- wehirealiens.com and millerboycott.com -
These are the only sites doing anything about illegal immigration...sign
up now and Boycott Miller Beer!


- spp.gov -
No borders from the bottom of Mexico to the top of Canada.
All to get Mexican oil, Canadian oil and Canadian water!!
- Answer? - Mohammed
- www.softwar.net -
If you don't know about the China Threat and still think we
shouldn't be at war in Iraq, you haven't seen this site
- www.dashboardmohammed.com to
get your very own bobblehead Mohammed to give as gifts to all
your loved ones this Christmas?!!

- isgay.com -
everyone is gay on this site--but it's only a joke so don't
get all uptight...don't believe me? Then enter yourname.isgay.com
(john.smith.isgay.com) and find out!
- Snakepit -
Snakepit - Heavy Metal Magazine
- www.drturi.comThis
site is mind blowing! Is there hope for the future?
- martinsmusikkiste.de -
The best online music mart in Germany
- PhilipLynott.poptopix.com -
The coolest way to access all your Philip Lynott needs...
- darkfiregallery.com -
The nexus of bondage and domination
- Hollywood
Music - home of Rock City News.
- wampus.com -
This is a record company in Virginia who put out cutting edge
stuff. They are currently about to release a "Tribute
To Lou Reed" CD...
- JohnnyRock.com -
This Johnny guy knows how to get the job done internationally.
Check him out...
- Fishbone -
the funkiest band on the planet. Fishbone live in concert have
been described as "tighter than a mosquito's ass".
- The
Manifesto Records Home Page - Tom Waits, Tim Buckley,
and The Rugburns are some of the artists located at Manifesto
- Music
Connection - It IS who you know!
- Trafficking.com -
The best damn "narc and dealers"board game of all
time is back in circulation.
- Marillion.com -
Bob's favorite band in the world. After Thin Lizzy of course...
- lukehits.com -
Where you can place your hit songs and not get ripped off...
- Nick
Menza - Ultimate Drummer, Ultimate Site.
- metalmeltdown.com -
an unparalleled source of info and metal links
- lawguru.com -
ask free law questions here (gives a really prompt response!)
- Hot
Press - Ireland's most indispensable publication. The
essential guide to what's happening musically, both nationally
and internationally.
- Demonizer -
The coolest band in Holland -- when Rude Awakening isn't there!
- Barry
Rudolph - One of the most reliable sources of info on
- MusicGearReview.com -
Music gear news, reviews, contests, giveaways and shopping
- Hell.com -
Go to ...
- BetterGuitar.com -
Be all you can be! (but remember -- guitar is dead!
B.C. Rich